Partner With Us

Partner with Nuclear Talent Scout if you want a better recruiting experience. Faster response times, better support, and most importantly less wasted time on impertinent candidates! We have a better eye for Nuclear Talent than other recruiters and we vet all candidates through our industry insiders prior to submitting them to you. 

Are you a human resources or hiring manager struggling to find the right nuclear professionals for your team?  

Are you a staff augmentation firm struggling to fulfill your contracts?

Are you putting together a bid, but can’t find an available expert to address part of the work scope? 

Nuclear Talent Scout can partner with you as a vendor or sub-vendor. We have quality connections across a wide pool of candidates ready to add value to your company’s unique mission! We can refer candidates for you to hire as your own W2 employees, supply you staff augmentation billed hourly, and work with you to customize an arrangement that suits your company’s needs best.